What If?
A Poem by Ganga White
What if our religion was each other?
If our practice was our life?
If prayer was our words?
What if the Temple was the Earth?
If forests were our church?
If holy water—the rivers, lakes and oceans?
What if meditation was our relationships?
If the Teacher was life?
If wisdom was self-knowledge?
If love was the center of our being?
I was introduced to this poem by my teacher Ganga White in 2006 while studying yoga at the White Lotus Foundation in Santa Barbara. Since then I have studied with many different teachers around the world. My practice has evolved over the years but I have continued to cherish the philosophy held within his words.
As a child I loved being outside and was always a bit of a naturalist. Ayurveda, the sister science to yoga, became a subject I was drawn towards and quickly found myself immersed in its teachings. Ayurveda explains the inherent wisdom of nature, and of how to use it to maintain balance in our lives.
Summer is my favorite time of year and the best place to practice is outside surrounded by the elements. Being outside helps us remember our own True Nature; that we ourselves are nature and very much a part of it. We start to move and breathe in a way that is connected to the Greater Self, in a way that is easy and free.
iflow Yoga is the style of yoga I share and practice. Nature is a big part of what informs this practice. When I look for answers I ask myself, “what is closer to Nature?” That’s the direction I flow. Â Freddy & I were inspired by this poem and created this sequence together in Lake George, NY. We hope you enjoy the poem and the practice.
thank you for sharing this poem amy & your love of yoga. i’m so grateful for your teachings & offerings. xo